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Villanelle on the Oregon Coast

For Margaret Prentice


Many a time I've dreamed of such a place,

Where darkened headlands tumbled to the shore

And a white ocean blew against my face;


An inland valley gave a breathing space

Against the water's overwhelming roar.

Many a time I've dreamed of such a place,


But the great wind of dream-time would erase

All human detail, leaving just a core

That the white ocean blew against my face;


Now, though, our footprints measure out our pace

Upon this homeland that I never saw

(Many a time I've dreamed of such a place);


The cypress-pins and huckleberry-lace

Had been invisible to me before

When the white ocean blew against my face:


Sister and stranger, you gave me the grace

To read the print upon the windblind shore.

Many a time I'll dream of such a place,

Where that white ocean blows against my face.


                                           Frederick Turner


From Hadean Eclogues, Story Line Press,

© 1999.  Reprinted by permission of the author.

Background by
Wildheart Creations

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